Sunday, February 10, 2013

howell imitation

I see a generation of eyes that don’t leave the screens of the television, computer, or cell phones.
A generation risking the wellbeing of others to have a conversation while driving.
Teens speeding down the road because it is considered “cool”.
I see a generation that is more interested in parties, drugs, and alcohol,
rather than getting a job, or trying to work towards a better education.
A generation that would rather have everything handed to them than work for themselves.
I see a generation that gives up, and moves on before trying to accomplish what needs done.
A generation that is willing to walk over someone else, to get themselves to the top.
Cheating and lying is seen as an okay thing to do to one another.
I see a generation, who falls in “love” within a two week period,
And has a new “love” a few weeks later.
I see a self-centered generation, who needs to open their eyes,
Who need to learn respect for others and themselves, and for the world around them.
A generation who need to find good in themselves and others, and learn to
Give and not take.

1 comment:

  1. I wish that this was not so unfortunately true for the current generations but you hit it right on. I especially like the couple of lines about being in love within two weeks and new love a few weeks later. I see it all the time with my younger cousins. Very well done!
